i Get… My Daily Schedules, Recall My Day and Learn Calendar Concepts

An application providing a photo story for individuals that need support in understanding the steps that will occur/have occurred during their day. Fifty-seven icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the events of a day. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing app to be used for a variety of purposes, including receptive identification and expressive labeling. Personal photos can be added by the user with a camera ready Apple device or imported from the user’s camera roll.

i Get… My Daily Schedule, Recall My Day and Learn Calendar Concepts

I Get… My Daily Schedule, Recall My Day and Learn Calendar Concepts

is an application providing a photo social story for individuals that need support in understanding the sequence of their daily schedule. Thirty-six icons with real picture images are used to illustrate the sequence of events. Text statements can be individualized for each picture allowing app to be used for a variety of purposes, including receptive identification and expressive labeling. Personal photos can imported to customize each page in addition to adding text and audio. Typically developing young children understanding or recalling their school day and individuals with developmental delays, such as PDD-NOS and autism will benefit from this interactive application. Parents, teachers, SLP’s and other support professionals will appreciate the user friendly design.


Many great features to customize your books:

  • 3-copy2Forty-two premade icons and twenty-one user made icons provide a sequential order of events during a school day.
  • Real life photos of school activities provide detailed illustrations.
  • Audio may be added by the user for each step.
  • Storyline can be personalized for the individual user.
  • Changes to the information are easily made in the settings section.
  • Display order of the icons can be selected by the user.
  • All icons may be replaced with personalized photos.
  • Completion of each task can be indicated by the use of a checkmark feature.

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